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Poland - Ekstraliga Women

Slask Wroclaw W vs C. Sosnowiec W

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Slask Wroclaw W are hosting C. Sosnowiec W on Sunday 9 June. With the 2-0 away defeat at UKS Lodz W, Slask Wroclaw W have ended a 3-match unbeaten run in the league. C. Sosnowiec W are on a 5-match winning run, extending their unbeaten run to 10 matches in the league after their 1-2 away win at UJ Krakow W.
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Kick-off in 17 days and 0 hour
Sun 9 Jun 2024 at 16:00
Slask Wroclaw W vs C. Sosnowiec W
Latest results in the league (most recent first)
11 May UKS Lodz W - SLA  2:0 1:2  UJ Krakow W - CZA 12 May
5 May SLA - L. Gdansk W  1:0 4:1  CZA - Rekord B. W 5 May
27 Apr UJ Krakow W - SLA  2:2 0:7  Pogon Tczew W - CZA 27 Apr
20 Apr SLA - Rekord B. W  2:2 6:1  CZA - Medyk Konin W 20 Apr
14 Apr Pogon Tczew W - SLA  2:1 0:3  P. Szczecin W - CZA 14 Apr
23 Mar SLA - Medyk Konin W  5:1 0:0  CZA - Leczna W 23 Mar
16 Mar P. Szczecin W - SLA  1:2 0:7  Stomilanki O. W - CZA 16 Mar
9 Mar SLA - Leczna W  3:1 2:2  CZA - UKS Lodz W 9 Mar

Slask Wroclaw W vs C. Sosnowiec W
Points Per Game (PPG)
Home 1.80
1.60 Away
Total 1.55
2.00 Total
Last 8 1.75
2.50 Last 8
GP  W   D   L   W   D   L  GP
Home 10 5 3 2 5 1 4 10 Away
Total 20 9 4 7 12 4 4 20 Total

Points Per Game

So far this season in Poland - Ekstraliga Women, Slask Wroclaw W have picked up an average of 1.8 Points Per Game in their 10 matches played at home, while C. Sosnowiec W's average Points Per Game in their 10 away games is 1.6.
Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Total Total Away
2139 Goals scored (GF) 5122
2.101.95 GF per match 2.55 2.20
1332 Goals conceded (GA) 2113
1.301.60 GA per match 1.05 1.30
3.40 3.55 GF+GA per match 3.603.50
90%95% GF+GA over 0.5 90%90%
80%90% GF+GA over 1.5 90%90%
70%80% GF+GA over 2.5 75%70%
70%50% GF+GA over 3.5 40%30%
20%20% GF+GA over 4.5 30%30%
10%15% GF+GA over 5.5 20%20%

Slask Wroclaw W

C. Sosnowiec W

Latest at home Latest away
(in the league, most recent first)
5 May SLA - L. Gdansk W  1:0 1:2  UJ Krakow W - CZA 12 May
20 Apr SLA - Rekord B. W  2:2 0:7  Pogon Tczew W - CZA 27 Apr
23 Mar SLA - Medyk Konin W  5:1 0:3  P. Szczecin W - CZA 14 Apr
9 Mar SLA - Leczna W  3:1 0:7  Stomilanki O. W - CZA 16 Mar
View stats and matches for both teams
Slask Wroclaw W
results filter
C. Sosnowiec W
results filter

  GP Pts
GKS Katowice W 20 48
P. Szczecin W 20 45
C. Sosnowiec W 20 40
UKS Lodz W 20 38
L. Gdansk W 20 32
Slask Wroclaw W 20 31
Leczna W 20 28
Pogon Tczew W 20 21
Rekord B. W 20 16
UJ Krakow W 20 15
Medyk Konin W 20 13
Stomilanki O. W 20 13
Form table (last 8)
  GP Pts
GKS Katowice W 8 22
C. Sosnowiec W 8 20
UKS Lodz W 8 18
Slask Wroclaw W 8 14
P. Szczecin W 8 13
L. Gdansk W 8 12
Stomilanki O. W 8 9
Leczna W 8 6
Medyk Konin W 8 6
UJ Krakow W 8 5
Rekord B. W 8 5
Pogon Tczew W 8 5
Home table
  GP Pts
GKS Katowice W 10 30
UKS Lodz W 10 25
C. Sosnowiec W 10 24
P. Szczecin W 10 20
Slask Wroclaw W 10 18
Leczna W 10 16
L. Gdansk W 10 16
Rekord B. W 10 11
Pogon Tczew W 10 11
UJ Krakow W 10 10
Medyk Konin W 10 10
Stomilanki O. W 10 6
Away table
  GP Pts
P. Szczecin W 10 25
GKS Katowice W 10 18
C. Sosnowiec W 10 16
L. Gdansk W 10 16
UKS Lodz W 10 13
Slask Wroclaw W 10 13
Leczna W 10 12
Pogon Tczew W 10 10
Stomilanki O. W 10 7
Rekord B. W 10 5
UJ Krakow W 10 5
Medyk Konin W 10 3

Contextual averages

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W 
 (home matches) Average (away matches) 
Played  10 10  Played
Avg Goals For 2.10 1.70 1.30 Avg Goals Against
Avg Goals Against 1.30 1.75 2.20 Avg Goals For
Avg Total Goals (GF+GA) 3.40 3.45 3.50 Avg Total Goals (GF+GA)
Scoring rate 90% 75% 60% Conceding rate
Conceding rate 60% 60% 60% Scoring rate
Clean Sheets 40% 40% 40% Failed to score
Failed to score 10% 25% 40% Clean Sheets
GF+GA over 0.5 90% 90% 90% GF+GA over 0.5
GF+GA over 1.5 80% 85% 90% GF+GA over 1.5
GF+GA over 2.5 70% 70% 70% GF+GA over 2.5
GF+GA over 3.5 70% 50% 30% GF+GA over 3.5
GF+GA over 4.5 20% 25% 30% GF+GA over 4.5
GF+GA over 5.5 10% 15% 20% GF+GA over 5.5
Both teams scored 60% 45% 30% Both teams scored

The focus of the above average values lays on Slask Wroclaw W's home matches and C. Sosnowiec W's away matches played this season in the league. For more average values regarding total goals, over under stats at the league level for all teams, you may want to review the goals statistics in Poland - Ekstraliga Women page.

Over 1.5 goals, over 2.5 goals (or GF+GA over 0.5, GF+GA over 1.5) etc.: matches where the total number of goals (team goals + opponent goals) was over a given value.

The home/away result view table is only displayed for leagues set up to have each team play no more than twice against each opponent (one match at home and one match away) during the season.

Slask Wroclaw W's progression (home & away)

Line graph variation:   win:+2  draw:0  defeat:-1

C. Sosnowiec W's progression (home & away)

Line graph variation:   win:+2  draw:0  defeat:-1

Slask Wroclaw W form

With the 2-0 away defeat at UKS Lodz W, Slask Wroclaw W have ended a 3-match unbeaten run in the league. The team has won 4 of their last 8 matches in Poland - Ekstraliga Women. Slask Wroclaw W have conceded an average of 1.60 goals per game since the beginning of the season in the league. Slask Wroclaw W form stats indicate an average number of goals conceded per game of 1.38 in the last 8 league matches, which is 13.8% lower than their current season's average.

A majority of Slask Wroclaw W's wins have been obtained with a margin of 2 goals or more (7 wins), while 2 of their wins had a one-goal margin.

A majority of Slask Wroclaw W's defeats had a margin of 2 goals or more (5 defeats), while 2 of their defeats had a one-goal margin.
More information is available on the page.

C. Sosnowiec W form

With the 1-2 away win at UJ Krakow W, C. Sosnowiec W are on a 5-match winning run, extending their unbeaten run to 10 matches in the league. The team has won 6 of their last 8 matches in Poland - Ekstraliga Women. C. Sosnowiec W have scored an average of 2.55 goals per game since the beginning of the season in the league. As for C. Sosnowiec W's current form, the form statistics indicate an average number of goals scored per game of 3.88 in the last 8 league matches, which is 52.2% higher than their current season's average.

A majority of C. Sosnowiec W's wins have been obtained with a margin of 2 goals or more (9 wins), while 3 of their wins had a one-goal margin.

A majority of C. Sosnowiec W's defeats had a margin of 2 goals or more (4 defeats), while 0 of their defeats had a one-goal margin.
More information is available on the page.

Slask Wroclaw W's progression (home matches)

Line graph variation:   win:+2  draw:0  defeat:-1

C. Sosnowiec W's progression (away matches)

Line graph variation:   win:+2  draw:0  defeat:-1

Home vs Away Stats

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
 (home matches)(away matches) 
Avg goals for
Clean sheets
Scoring rate
Avg goals against
Failed to score
Conceding rate


Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
FT at home
2-2 2 20%
5-1 1 10%
1-4 1 10%
1-3 1 10%
3-1 1 10%
4-0 1 10%
2-0 1 10%
1-0 1 10%
0-0 1 10%
FT away
Other scores 2 20%
1-2 2 20%
2-0 2 20%
0-3 1 10%
4-1 1 10%
3-0 1 10%
0-0 1 10%

Goal margins

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Goal margins (at home)
 1  2  3  4+ 
Wins  12 02
Defeats  01 10

Goal margins (total)
 1  2  3  4+ 
Wins  22 32
Defeats  22 21
Goal margins (away)
 1  2  3  4+ 
Wins  20 12
Defeats  02 20

Goal margins (total)
 1  2  3  4+ 
Wins  31 44
Defeats  02 20

Home vs Away distribution

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Away   Home Away
58%42% % Points 60%40%
54%46% % Goals scored 57%43%
41%59% % Goals conceded 38%62%

Outcome scenarios (this season in the league)

If SLASK WROCLAW W win, Slask Wroclaw W would reduce the gap with C. Sosnowiec W to a 6-point difference in the league table, and it would be:

- the end of a 5-match winning streak for C. Sosnowiec W
- the end of a 4-match winning streak away for C. Sosnowiec W
- C. Sosnowiec W's 9th consecutive away match without draw
- Slask Wroclaw W's 8th consecutive home match undefeated
- the end of a 10-match unbeaten run for C. Sosnowiec W
- the end of a 4-match unbeaten run away for C. Sosnowiec W
- Slask Wroclaw W's 10th consecutive home match with at least 1 goal scored

If the match ends in a DRAW, C. Sosnowiec W would remain 9 points ahead of Slask Wroclaw W in the league table, and it would be:

- the end of a 5-match winning streak for C. Sosnowiec W
- the end of a 4-match winning streak away for C. Sosnowiec W
- the end of a 8-match drawless streak away for C. Sosnowiec W
- Slask Wroclaw W's 8th consecutive home match undefeated
- C. Sosnowiec W's 11th consecutive match undefeated
- C. Sosnowiec W's 5th consecutive away match undefeated

If C. SOSNOWIEC W win, C. Sosnowiec W would increase their lead over Slask Wroclaw W to 12 points in the league table, and it would be:

- C. Sosnowiec W's 6th consecutive win
- C. Sosnowiec W's 5th consecutive away win
- C. Sosnowiec W's 9th consecutive away match without draw
- the end of a 7-match unbeaten run at home for Slask Wroclaw W
- C. Sosnowiec W's 11th consecutive match undefeated
- C. Sosnowiec W's 5th consecutive away match undefeated

Comparisons with League Average

Slask Wroclaw W AT HOME (10 matches) compared to league average AT HOME

(home matches)Slask Wroclaw W League AVG
Points per game  1.80 1.64
% Wins  50% 49%
% Draws  30% 17%
% Defeats  20% 34%
Goals scored per game  2.10 1.80
Goals conceded per game  1.30 1.53
% Clean sheets  40% 32%
% Failed To Score  10% 22%
% Won To Nil  30% 28%
% Lost To Nil  0% 18%
Total goals per game  3.40 3.33
% over 1.5 goals  80% 82%
% over 2.5 goals  70% 66%
% over 3.5 goals  70% 40%
% both teams scored  60% 50%

C. Sosnowiec W AWAY (10 matches) compared to league average AWAY

(away matches)C. Sosnowiec W League AVG
Points per game  1.60 1.19
% Wins  50% 34%
% Draws  10% 17%
% Defeats  40% 49%
Goals scored per game  2.20 1.53
Goals conceded per game  1.30 1.80
% Clean sheets  40% 22%
% Failed To Score  40% 32%
% Won To Nil  30% 18%
% Lost To Nil  30% 28%
Total goals per game  3.50 3.33
% over 1.5 goals  90% 82%
% over 2.5 goals  70% 66%
% over 3.5 goals  30% 40%
% both teams scored  30% 50%

Team pages

Slask Wroclaw W stats
C. Sosnowiec W stats

Current Streaks & Sequences

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
1- Consecutive wins 54
-- Consecutive draws --
-1 Consecutive defeats --
-1 No win --
12 No draw 58
7- No defeat 104
9- 1 goal scored or more 54
-1 1 goal conceded or more 21
-1 No goal scored --
1- No goal conceded --
-- Match total goals over 2.5 54
12 Match total goals under 2.5 --
-- 2 goals scored or more 54
-1 2 goals conceded or more --

Team scoring stats vs League Average

Home scoring averages
(A) Slask Wroclaw W scored per match at home  2.10
(B) C. Sosnowiec W conceded per match away  1.30
(A) (B) average League AVG scoring at home
1.70 1.80

Away scoring averages
(A) Slask Wroclaw W conceded per match at home  1.30
(B) C. Sosnowiec W scored per match away  2.20
(A) (B) average League AVG scoring at away
1.75 1.53

Total goals averages
(A) Slask Wroclaw W GF+GA per match at home  3.40
(B) C. Sosnowiec W GF+GA per match away  3.50
(A) (B) average League AVG goals per match
3.45 3.33

Home scoring rate averages
(A) Slask Wroclaw W scoring rate at home  90%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W conceding rate away  60%
(A) (B) average League home scoring rate
75% 78%

Away scoring rate averages
(A) Slask Wroclaw W conceding rate at home  60%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W scoring rate away  60%
(A) (B) average League away scoring rate
60% 68%

Over 1.5 total goals (scored + conceded)
(A) Slask Wroclaw W over 1.5 at home 80%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W over 1.5 away 90%
(A) (B) average League AVG (over 1.5 goals)
85% 82%

Over 2.5 total goals (scored + conceded)
(A) Slask Wroclaw W over 2.5 at home 70%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W over 2.5 away 70%
(A) (B) average League AVG (over 2.5 goals)
70% 66%

Over 3.5 total goals (scored + conceded)
(A) Slask Wroclaw W over 3.5 at home 70%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W over 3.5 away 30%
(A) (B) average League AVG (over 3.5 goals)
50% 40%

Both-Teams-Scored (BTS) matches
(A) Slask Wroclaw W BTS matches at home 60%
(B) C. Sosnowiec W BTS matches away 30%
(A) (B) average League AVG (Both Teams Scored)
45% 50%

Scoring rates

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Total Stat Total Away
90%85% Scoring rate 75%60%
60%60% Both teams scored 45%30%
60%70% Conceding rate 60%60%

Scoring rate: percentage of matches where the team scored at least one goal
Conceding rate: percentage of matches where the team conceded at least one goal

No goal scored / conceded

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Total Stat Total Away
40%30% Clean sheets 40%40%
30%25% Won-to-nil 30%30%
10%15% Failed to score 25%40%
0%10% Lost-to-nil 15%30%

Goals scored / Goals conceded

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Total Stat Total Away
90%85% GF over 0.5 75%60%
60%55% GF over 1.5 70%50%
30%30% GF over 2.5 40%30%
20%15% GF over 3.5 25%20%
10%10% GF over 4.5 20%20%
60%70% GA over 0.5 60%60%
40%55% GA over 1.5 30%40%
20%20% GA over 2.5 10%20%
10%10% GA over 3.5 5%10%
0%5% GA over 4.5 0%0%

GF: goals scored
GA: goals conceded

Match total goals

Slask Wroclaw WC. Sosnowiec W
Home Total SCORED + CONCEDED Total Away
10%5% Total goals = 0 10%10%
10%5% Total goals = 1 0%0%
10%10% Total goals = 2 15%20%
0%30% Total goals = 3 35%40%
50%30% Total goals = 4 10%0%
20%20% Total goals = 5+ 30%30%
20%10% Total goals = 0 or 1 10%10%
10%40% Total goals = 2 or 3 50%60%
70%50% Total goals = 4+ 40%30%

Total Goals: on this table, Total Goals refers to the total number of goals scored in a match (goals scored by the home team + goals scored by the visiting team)

Tables overview

League table

GP pts
GKS Katowice W 20 48
P. Szczecin W 20 45
C. Sosnowiec W 20 40
UKS Lodz W 20 38
L. Gdansk W 20 32
Slask Wrocla. 20 31
Leczna W 20 28
Pogon Tczew W 20 21
Rekord B. W 20 16
UJ Krakow W 20 15
Medyk Konin W 20 13
Stomilanki O. 20 13

Form table (last 8)

GP pts
GKS Katowice W 8 22
C. Sosnowiec W 8 20
UKS Lodz W 8 18
Slask Wrocla. 8 14
P. Szczecin W 8 13
L. Gdansk W 8 12
Stomilanki O. 8 9
Leczna W 8 6
Medyk Konin W 8 6
UJ Krakow W 8 5
Rekord B. W 8 5
Pogon Tczew W 8 5


GP pts
GKS Katowice W 10 30
UKS Lodz W 10 25
C. Sosnowiec W 10 24
P. Szczecin W 10 20
Slask Wrocla. 10 18
Leczna W 10 16
L. Gdansk W 10 16
Rekord B. W 10 11
Pogon Tczew W 10 11
UJ Krakow W 10 10
Medyk Konin W 10 10
Stomilanki O. 10 6


GP pts
P. Szczecin W 10 25
GKS Katowice W 10 18
C. Sosnowiec W 10 16
L. Gdansk W 10 16
UKS Lodz W 10 13
Slask Wrocla. 10 13
Leczna W 10 12
Pogon Tczew W 10 10
Stomilanki O. 10 7
Rekord B. W 10 5
UJ Krakow W 10 5
Medyk Konin W 10 3


P. Szczecin W 20 54
C. Sosnowiec W 20 51
GKS Katowice W 20 48
UKS Lodz W 20 43
Slask Wrocla. 20 39
Leczna W 20 30
L. Gdansk W 20 29
Pogon Tczew W 20 26
UJ Krakow W 20 25
Rekord B. W 20 22
Medyk Konin W 20 19
Stomilanki O. 20 14


GKS Katowice W 20 15
P. Szczecin W 20 16
UKS Lodz W 20 17
C. Sosnowiec W 20 21
Leczna W 20 27
L. Gdansk W 20 27
Slask Wrocla. 20 32
Rekord B. W 20 35
UJ Krakow W 20 41
Stomilanki O. 20 53
Medyk Konin W 20 57
Pogon Tczew W 20 59

Total Match Goals stats

Total match goals stats

Matches of... GP Avg 0.5+ 1.5+ 2.5+ 3.5+ 4.5+ 5.5+ BTS CS FTS WTN LTN
Pogon Tczew W  20 4.25 100% 100% 80% 45% 45% 30% 75% 0% 25% 0% 25%
Medyk Konin W  20 3.80 100% 80% 60% 45% 40% 35% 45% 10% 45% 10% 45%
C. Sosnowiec W  20 3.60 90% 90% 75% 40% 30% 20% 45% 40% 25% 30% 15%
Slask Wroclaw W  20 3.55 95% 90% 80% 50% 20% 15% 60% 30% 15% 25% 10%
P. Szczecin W  20 3.50 95% 85% 80% 45% 20% 15% 50% 40% 15% 35% 10%
Stomilanki O. W  20 3.35 95% 80% 75% 45% 25% 10% 35% 20% 50% 15% 45%
UJ Krakow W  20 3.30 100% 90% 60% 40% 20% 10% 75% 5% 20% 5% 20%
GKS Katowice W  20 3.15 95% 75% 60% 35% 25% 20% 40% 50% 15% 45% 10%
UKS Lodz W  20 3.00 90% 75% 50% 40% 20% 15% 35% 45% 30% 35% 20%
Leczna W  20 2.85 90% 75% 60% 30% 15% 10% 45% 35% 30% 25% 20%
Rekord B. W  20 2.85 95% 75% 60% 35% 20% 0% 55% 20% 30% 15% 25%
L. Gdansk W  20 2.80 95% 65% 50% 30% 30% 10% 40% 35% 30% 30% 25%
League average 95.0% 81.7% 65.8% 40.0% 25.8% 15.8% 50.0% 27.5% 27.5% 22.5% 22.5%

Total match goals stats (last 8 matches)

Last 8 matches of... GP Avg 0.5+ 1.5+ 2.5+ 3.5+ 4.5+ 5.5+ BTS CS FTS WTN LTN
C. Sosnowiec W  8 4.50 88% 88% 88% 62% 50% 38% 50% 50% 12% 38% 0%
Medyk Konin W  8 3.75 100% 75% 62% 50% 38% 38% 50% 12% 38% 12% 38%
Pogon Tczew W  8 3.75 100% 100% 62% 38% 38% 25% 62% 0% 38% 0% 38%
L. Gdansk W  8 3.50 100% 75% 62% 50% 50% 12% 62% 12% 25% 12% 25%
Stomilanki O. W  8 3.50 100% 88% 75% 50% 12% 12% 25% 25% 50% 25% 50%
Slask Wroclaw W  8 3.38 100% 88% 75% 50% 12% 12% 75% 12% 12% 12% 12%
GKS Katowice W  8 3.13 88% 75% 62% 38% 25% 25% 25% 75% 12% 62% 0%
Rekord B. W  8 3.13 88% 75% 75% 50% 25% 0% 62% 25% 25% 12% 12%
UJ Krakow W  8 3.00 100% 88% 62% 38% 12% 0% 75% 0% 25% 0% 25%
P. Szczecin W  8 2.88 88% 75% 75% 25% 12% 12% 50% 25% 38% 12% 25%
Leczna W  8 2.25 88% 75% 38% 25% 0% 0% 50% 25% 38% 12% 25%
UKS Lodz W  8 2.25 88% 75% 38% 25% 0% 0% 38% 62% 12% 50% 0%
League average 93.8% 81.3% 64.6% 41.7% 22.9% 14.6% 52.1% 27.1% 27.1% 20.8% 20.8%

Total match goals stats (at home)

Home matches of... GP Avg 0.5+ 1.5+ 2.5+ 3.5+ 4.5+ 5.5+ BTS CS FTS WTN LTN
Pogon Tczew W  10 4.70 100% 100% 80% 50% 50% 40% 80% 0% 20% 0% 20%
Medyk Konin W  10 4.20 100% 90% 70% 50% 40% 40% 70% 10% 20% 10% 20%
C. Sosnowiec W  10 3.70 90% 90% 80% 50% 30% 20% 60% 40% 10% 30% 0%
Slask Wroclaw W  10 3.40 90% 80% 70% 70% 20% 10% 60% 40% 10% 30% 0%
Stomilanki O. W  10 3.30 100% 80% 70% 40% 20% 10% 10% 20% 70% 20% 70%
UJ Krakow W  10 3.30 100% 90% 70% 50% 20% 0% 90% 0% 10% 0% 10%
P. Szczecin W  10 3.20 90% 80% 70% 40% 20% 10% 40% 50% 20% 40% 10%
UKS Lodz W  10 3.20 90% 80% 60% 40% 30% 20% 30% 60% 20% 50% 10%
GKS Katowice W  10 3.00 100% 70% 50% 30% 30% 20% 40% 60% 0% 60% 0%
L. Gdansk W  10 2.90 90% 70% 60% 30% 30% 10% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20%
Leczna W  10 2.80 100% 80% 60% 20% 10% 10% 40% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Rekord B. W  10 2.30 90% 70% 50% 10% 10% 0% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20%
League average 95.0% 81.7% 65.8% 40.0% 25.8% 15.8% 50.0% 32.5% 22.5% 27.5% 17.5%

Total match goals stats (away)

Away matches of... GP Avg 0.5+ 1.5+ 2.5+ 3.5+ 4.5+ 5.5+ BTS CS FTS WTN LTN
P. Szczecin W  10 3.80 100% 90% 90% 50% 20% 20% 60% 30% 10% 30% 10%
Pogon Tczew W  10 3.80 100% 100% 80% 40% 40% 20% 70% 0% 30% 0% 30%
Slask Wroclaw W  10 3.70 100% 100% 90% 30% 20% 20% 60% 20% 20% 20% 20%
C. Sosnowiec W  10 3.50 90% 90% 70% 30% 30% 20% 30% 40% 40% 30% 30%
Medyk Konin W  10 3.40 100% 70% 50% 40% 40% 30% 20% 10% 70% 10% 70%
Rekord B. W  10 3.40 100% 80% 70% 60% 30% 0% 70% 0% 30% 0% 30%
Stomilanki O. W  10 3.40 90% 80% 80% 50% 30% 10% 60% 20% 30% 10% 20%
GKS Katowice W  10 3.30 90% 80% 70% 40% 20% 20% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20%
UJ Krakow W  10 3.30 100% 90% 50% 30% 20% 20% 60% 10% 30% 10% 30%
Leczna W  10 2.90 80% 70% 60% 40% 20% 10% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
UKS Lodz W  10 2.80 90% 70% 40% 40% 10% 10% 40% 30% 40% 20% 30%
L. Gdansk W  10 2.70 100% 60% 40% 30% 30% 10% 40% 30% 30% 30% 30%
League average 95.0% 81.7% 65.8% 40.0% 25.8% 15.8% 50.0% 22.5% 32.5% 17.5% 27.5%

Segments Table

0 pt Segments table progression arrow 48 pts
5th Segment 4th Segment 3rd Segment 2nd Segment 1st Segment
up to 9.2 pts from 9.3 to 18.9 pts from 19.0 to 28.6 pts from 28.7 to 38.3 pts from 38.4 to 48 pts
(20)  16  Rekord B. W
(20)  15  UJ Krakow W
(20)  13  Medyk Konin W
(20)  13  Stomilanki O. W
(20)  28  Leczna W
(20)  21  Pogon Tczew W
(20)  38  UKS Lodz W
(20)  32  L. Gdansk W
(20)  31  Slask Wroclaw W
(20)  48  GKS Katowice W
(20)  45  P. Szczecin W
(20)  40  C. Sosnowiec W

The Segments Table is a visual representation splitting the teams into 5 segments. Each team is assigned to a specific segment, depending on the team's number of points. Each of the 5 segments spans one-fifth (20%) of the total points held by the team ranked 1st in the league. For each team, the number of matches played appears in green between brackets, and the number of points is displayed in black.

Sa 25 May
Sa 25 May
Su 26 May
Su 26 May
Su 26 May
Su 26 May
Su 9 Jun
Su 9 Jun
Su 9 Jun
Su 9 Jun

Poland - Ekstraliga Women stats

120 matches played / 132
90.9% completed
Home wins:  49%
Over 1.5 goals:  82%
Draws:  17%
Over 2.5 goals:  66%
Away wins:  34%
Over 3.5 goals:  40%
Goals:  400 Home goals per match:  1.80
Goals per match:  3.33 Away goals per match:  1.53
    Both teams scored:  50%


 Latest results
 Matches by date
 Matches by Matchweek
 Results grid


 Home / Away tables
 Wide table
 Form tables


 Goals statistics
 Relative performance
 Over / Under
 Scored / Conceded
 Home advantage
 Relative form
 Run-in analysis

More statistics tables can be accessed from the 'Statistics' dropdown list on the league navigation menu.
After 120 matches played in the league, a total of 400 goals have been scored (3.33 goals per match on average). The menus above provide access to league-level statistics and results analysis, including Poland - Ekstraliga Women results and goal scoring stats such as clean sheets, average goals scored and goals conceded.


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